Can You Carry a Gun in Washington, DC? Understand the Laws

July 24, 2024by dev

Awards and Accolades


Can you carry a gun in Washington, DC? Until 2008, it was strictly prohibited to possess a handgun in the city, whether at home, in a vehicle, or elsewhere. This changed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s judgment in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, which overturned the handgun ban as unconstitutional.

Today, residents of Washington, DC, can legally own guns as long as they are registered according to the District of Columbia Code and comply with specific firearm possession regulations. Understanding these rules is essential for anyone considering gun ownership in the District.

Requirements for Owning a Firearm in Washington, DC

Washington, DC, residents can legally own handguns, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns by registering them with the District. Applicants must meet specific criteria outlined in D.C. Code § 7-2502.03 to apply for registration. These criteria include:

  • Be at least 21 years old. (Exception: Long gun registration allowed for 18-21 year-olds with a notarized statement from a parent or guardian assuming civil liability)
  • I have no past felony convictions or certain weapons offenses.
  • Not currently under indictment for any weapons or violent crime.
  • No convictions in the past five years for narcotics offenses, assault, misdemeanor domestic violence, and other specified offenses.
  • No voluntary or involuntary commitments to a mental hospital in the past five years.
  • Not subject to a civil protection order related to domestic violence.

It’s essential for anyone considering firearm ownership in Washington, DC, to grasp and fulfill these requirements.

Open and Concealed Carry Laws in Washington, DC

It is against the law to carry any firearm openly in Washington, DC, except for uniformed police officers, military service members, and security professionals. However, you can carry a concealed handgun if you have the proper permit, which DC provides to qualifying applicants on a “shall issue” basis (meaning they must issue the permit if you meet the qualifications). DC does not recognize concealed carry licenses from other states.

If you have a legally registered firearm, you can carry it without restriction inside your home or your place of business for lawful recreational purposes and when transporting it according to district and federal law. When transporting firearms around DC, they must be unloaded, separated from any ammunition, and either inside a locked container or—in a vehicle—in a compartment not accessible from the driver’s seat.

What Types of Firearms Are Illegal?

Despite recent changes to District law, certain firearms are still illegal to own in Washington, DC. These include assault weapons, machine guns, sawed-off shotguns, short-barreled rifles, and .50 BMG rifles. Additionally, according to D.C. Code § 7-2505.04, possessing any handgun not listed on the D.C. Handgun Registration Board’s Approved Handgun List is illegal. In summary:

  • Assault weapons, machine guns, sawed-off shotguns, short-barreled rifles, and .50 BMG rifles are banned.
  • Handguns not on the D.C. Handgun Registration Board’s Approved Handgun List are also illegal to own.

Call Ervin Kibria Law for More Information About Gun Ownership in Washington, DC

Whether you want to register or buy a new firearm or are facing charges for illegal firearm ownership/possession/carry, contact our firm for elite, expert guidance. Contact or call us at (202) 689-4439. Our DC Gun lawyer can clarify the legal rules and issues for owning and carrying a gun in Washington, DC, and the situations where you might face criminal charges. We are here to provide you with clear, reassuring advice and support every step of the way.

Can You Carry a Gun in Washington, DC?